
英語で2乗、3乗、4乗はsquared、cubed、to the 4th powerという

2 乗

32 は three squared といいます。square は正方形を意味します。

32 = 9
Three squared is nine.

42 = 16
Four squared is sixteen.

52 = 25
Five squared is twenty five.

3 乗

23 は two cubed といいます。cube は立方体を意味します。

33 = 27
Three cubed is twenty seven.

43 = 64
Four cubed is sixty four.

53 = 125
Five cubed is one hundred twenty five.

4 乗

4 乗以降は to the ?th power となります。4 乗では to the fourth power、5 乗では to the fifth power と表現します。

24 = 16
Two to the fourth power is sixteen.

34 = 81
Three to the fourth power is eighty one.

44 = 256
Four to the fourth power is two hundred fifty-six.



to the minus ...
to the power of minus ...

5-3 five to the minus three
5-4 five to the power of minus four

5-3 = -125
Five to the minus three is minus one hundred twenty-five.


「4 の 2 乗はいくつですか?」は What is four squared? です。

3 の 2 乗はいくつですか?
What is three squared?

4 の 3 乗はいくつですか?
What is four cubed?

